On October 7th, 2019, I posted the following photo on our Facebook page: Why is time important to writers?
Every November the challenge of National Novel Writing Month brings together millions of writers to create new stories (or finish old ones left unfinished!). Writers who accept this challenge sacrifice their time away from family, friends, and binge-worthy TV shows; all in the effort to develop a first draft of a story that may never be read by the masses. Some writers take time in the months leading up to the challenge to do research on character names, setting, plot, world building, and even outline chapter by chapter. It is the time that a writer takes to develop characters and worlds that some people seem to forget. The books on our shelves took time to write. Each book required the writer to use up time in their life to show readers a new world or perspective on life. I wanted to share the quote again, because it got me thinking about the time I dedicate to my own writing, to my businesses, to my family, and to my friends. Each aspect of our lives requires time. I heard in church yesterday, "Don't waste the waiting." Meaning don't waste the time you have while you're waiting for something better to come along. As the new year approaches, I issue the following challenge to make 2020 the year you don't waste the waiting. DWL 2020 Challenge: 1. Submit to a writing contest 2. Submit to a literary journal, anthology, or writing magazine 3, Write 1,000 words per day (work up to it or exceed it. If you already do this add another thousand to work up to.) 4. Share the challenge with others, so they can join the fun. 5. Develop another talent other than writing. 6. Submit to the DWL Journal a short story, poem, or creative non-fiction story. 7. Submit a manuscript for publication to an agent or publishing company. 8. Tweet, Instagram, or Facebook post using the #DWLdontwastethewaiting or #dontwastethewaitingchallenge or #dwtwchallenge throughout the year when you fulfill one of the challenges. Good luck in your writing and remember that everything takes time. Use that time to do great things.